Friday, April 14, 2006

It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!

Good Friday, 2006.

I would like to wish my fellow-Christians a holy Good Friday. I am mindful that there is nothing I can do to be worthy of Christ's sacrifice, no prayer I can pray, no onerous religious duty I can perform, no deprivation I can undergo. Christ said, "it is finished". All that's left for me to do is to accept the gift offered, and be thankful.

And so, I receive it now, by faith. And thank the Lord for dying for me.

And, although I will be attending holy week services, and praying, and singing, and bowing, and genuflecting, I realize that none of my religious activities can add to (nor subtract from!) the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Finished for me.

How misguided the Philipinos are who are crucified on Good Friday out of sympathy or whatever to Christ. How wrong they are to think that this will do them a whit of good. And how sad that the Roman Catholic Church tolerates such behaviour.

Saturday, the Church Expectant.

Good Friday soon gives way to Saturday which is referred to in the church year as Saturday of the Church Expectant (or something like that). An odd day in the Church year. According to the rhythms of the church year, Christ is crucified, but not yet risen.

It's a time of waiting. Of suspension, and, perhaps, suspense. This reminds us of the present era we live in, between Christ's ascension, and His return in glory. It's a time of waiting, watching, hoping, praying, and yet recognizing that the complete fulfillment of our salvation still lies in the future.

Sunday, Glorious Sunday - "this is the Day the Lord has made!".

And then, Saturday gives way to Sunday's glorious light, and the definitive triumph of God, our God, over sin, death, evil, and the devil. It's "game over", and God has won! When Christ died, I died. When Christ rose, I arose!

He is risen! Take that, you foul hosts of hell! And back off; Christ's Church is on the move, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

I can see them shaking. They're rickety. They're old. They're rusty. They're worn out and tired, just like a sinner tired of his sin. Evil has had its day. God's word conquers and prevails. Grace throws the demonic hordes into confusion. As Martin Luther said, "one single word will fell them". Along with the great evangelist Reinhardt Bonke, the Church's goal is to depopulate hell, and fill heaven with trophies of grace.

All for you, Jesus, all for you.

"He shall look upon the travail of his soul... and be satisfied.

As the black preacher said (concerning those going through trials, and the disciples' despair), "it's Friday, but Sunday's coming!"

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"