Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Gay Marriage coming for a 2nd vote in the House of Commons

Gay rights and gay marriage are an extension of the "sexual liberation" that Canadians granted themselves in the 60s. Unfortunately, these liberations generally come at the expense of children's rights. Children used to have the right to expect to be born and raised by their natural parents, barring either immorality or natural disaster. Now, they're lucky if they're even born. If they get past that hurdle, there's single-parenting, divorce, and same-sex parenting -- all of which deny a child his or her natural right to be raised by and know the love of both his father and mother.

The fact that jurisdictions like Ontario have banned the terms "father" and"mother" from legislation should give you an idea that something more than tinkering at the edges is at work here.

The fact that people will insist a child really doesn't need his or her mother and father, just "parents", shows that this is a society in deep denial to the obvious.

The fact than anyone who opposes any aspect of the fundamentalist homosexual agenda is immediately branded as hateful and bigoted shows that this is a society that has overthrown a love of reason and truth for unvirtuous tolerance and misguided kindness.

A society anchored in sexual "liberation" rights is a society that will lack the moral discipline to succeed in the long run.

No comments:

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"