Saturday, December 31, 2005

Swinging Past the Tipping Point

I believe Canada reached a tipping point with the court-forced change in the definition of marriage to accommodate radical homosexual equality. A point where moral thought has been so quashed by rights-based thinking that nothing short of divine aid can restore Canada's collective mind to something that could be considered moral.

We zipped on past the tipping point this week when the Supreme Court, using words such as diverse, tolerant, vibrant, and generous, legalized commercial (or, as Jack Layton likes to spit out, "for profit") swinging clubs. Using the word "generous" turns our newfound tolerance of swinging into a virtue. As someone pointed out, when a Supreme Court justice uses such words to describe acceptance of swinging, the words have no meaning. It is just judicial fluff most likely reflecting the judges' own positive view of themselves. ("Look at how generous we are, Canada!") Words such as "apathetic", or "indifferent", or "amoral" would have been more to the point. On the flip-side they suggested that opposition to swinging is rooted in "prejudice", so I guess the real message from the bench is "we're generous -- you're not!".

Well, if you want "generous", two can play at that game. Let's up the ante. "I'll call your swinging and raise you bestiality and marriage-rights rooted in pedophilia". (At least I would be applying the Court's own sexual orientation doctrine consistently across all sexual orientations.) "Take that, Supreme Court prudes! The state has no place in the bedrooms, clubs, or farms of our nation!

I do thank God for the two members of the court that saw the folly of this noxious ruling. Two among nine who apparently survived the moral lobotomy that apparently comes with appointment to these Courts.

1 comment:

frappeur said...

Over thirty years ago a writer stated that the Robes were going to be taken over by the left.

He meant that the education system, the churches, and the legal system would fall unter the aegis of this malign influence.

It has now happened. The wearers of the robes are the idiot hippies of the sixties.

We now face the horrors of the social engineers that have twisted all the sensible aspects of our society.

The latest examples out of Toronto are the Hug-a-Thug comments from the mayor and the Prime minister after a young girl was murdered on a major thoroughfare. The murderers are the victims. We didn't pay for enough basketball courts.

In Montreal some idiot judge permitted a known lunatic to have a hunting rifle. Undoubtedly, it was appropriately registered, but it still killed a young police officer.

The horror, apparently, will not end until all the present robed authorities pass away.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"