Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House?

North Korea is pointing missiles, peace continues to elude the Middle East, and Fargo is flooded out.

But, enough about that -- let's talk about pizza.

I bought four on-sale frozen pizzas today at Metro. Dr. Oetker's Ristorante Pizza Speciale, Dr. Oektker's Ristorante Pizza Generosa, Dr. Oetker's Casa di Mama Ultimate Pepperoni, and Dr. Oetker's Casa di Mama Ultimate Deluxe.

So, yes, there is a Doctor in the house, or, to be more exact, the freezer.

The weird thing is where these pizzas came from. You would think Canada, maybe the US. But, no. They are from Germany. I can't even imagine the economics or logistics of making these things -- probably in some former derelict munitions plant in the former East Germany -- and then shipping them -- frozen -- all the way to Canada.

But, I guess it's done. Maybe, given the tanking of the Baltic Dry Index, shipping rates have dropped to the point where you can order a take-out pizza from Germany, and they'll deliver free to Canada.

I know I'm going to like them -- each pizza is topped with richly spiced tomato sauce and a delicious blend of mouth watering toppings for the ultimate bold, filling, and satisfying pizza experience.

And that's the way the mouth-watering Ball of pepperoni bounces.

If I have one later today, I'll post an update with the Doctor's prognosis.


Meaty. Tasty. Homer Simpson would approve.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"