Saturday, April 04, 2009

King trumps Queen

There's a photo making the rounds of the internet -- you have to hunt for it -- showing Barack Obama bowing before the Saudi King. That's America, the world's superpower, prostrating itself before muscular, oil-wealth Islam. The Saudis spend millions if not billions annually importing Islam to TROTW. The city or state that you live in likely has a mosque built compliments of the Saudis. Islam is on the move, and the accommodating West seems powerless to stop it. Worse, it doesn't even seem to want to.

There's also photos more readily available of Obama and his wife declining, as US protocol demands, to bow before the Queen of England; the Obamas apparently decline to even give the queen a polite nod; in fact, Michelle Obama seriously breaks protocol, not to mention good manners, by bear-hugging the elderly and nearly-frail Queen. "American woman, stay away from me."

All this around the same time Obama's administration handed out a sex phone line number instead of Hillary's.

If George Bush and his wife had done this, they would have been subjected to media ridicule and excoriation.

But the media gives Obama a pass because he is "one of theirs".

It's not just what happens. It's how it's viewed and presented.

And that's the way the Ball genuflects, er, bounces.


Anonymous said...

This is a propaganda coup for the Saudis. Obama is naive and foolish. He doesn't understand the subtle niceties of international protocol. The term "callow youth" applies here. Chicago rube, what an embarassment. He is a gaffe machine extraordinare. Cheers Fernstalbert

BallBounces said...

He's young and inexperienced, but he should be surrounded by a State dept. that isn't.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with your commenters.
Betty G

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"