Sunday, June 04, 2006

Alleged terrorists arrested in Toronto

The shocking part is -- they're Muslims! (just kidding).


Shouldn't cultures that embrace terrorism be applauded and welcomed in a country as multiculturally diverse, welcoming, and tolerant as Canada?

After all, who are we to impose our values on others?

And, isn't "thou shalt not kill" a distinctly religious notion?

We all know that religious values have no place in the secular laws of secular Canada.

No less than leftist/liberals have told us so.


frappeur said...

I'm waiting for our media (especially the CBC) to start their series on cultural sensitivity. We will be informed that all cultures are equally valid and that we are ignorant clods.

We'll be told how cruel we are to immigrants. After all, we're nothing but a bunch of vicious racists.

The fact that some of those people arrested came from comparatively well off Canadian families will be ignored.

frappeur said...

The Great Pumpkin has done some digging and found some earlier analysis by David Warren. He seems to have it right.

The Great Pumpkin Saturday June 03, 2006

frappeur said...

The spin cycle has started. The favourite term seems to be "broad strata of society".

After looking at the list of names I was totally unable to see any connection between all those fine upstanding citizens. Perhaps others will be more perspicacious.

The term "broad" did seem incongruous though. There was not a single woman in the list.

Curiously, the folks with the Kingston address were not known in the community. According to a CBC news report, it turns out they had been in a Kingston jail.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"