Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Academics Challenge 9-11

Academics are questioning the "official" story on 9-11, you know, the one involving 19 Islamic terrorists ramming planes into the Trade Towers and Pentagon. It seems that for some people the straightforward answer isn't good enough for them. There has to be intrigue. There has to be cover-ups. There has to be the word "covert" in the story. Also another one I can't think of at the moment, but will come to me after I've posted this. Wait a minute. Clandestine. That's it. There has to be covert and clandestine in the answer.


But what a lot of people don't realize is that this whole academia 9-11 conspiracy theory is in fact phony.

It is being faked to draw attention away from the war in Iraq; it is being promoted by radical right-wing extremists to discredit the left.

Things are not as they appear!

Even this post is in fact a fake.

Richard Ball does not exist; it is a cover used by a radical right-wing operative with ties to the Kennedy Assassination. Hint: where were the four Beatles the day Kennedy died, and who were the four "tramps" arrested by the railroad tracks that day? Follow the Coca-cola trail and see where it leads. Lee Harvey Oswald drank cokes from those small glass bottles; so did the Beatles; it all fits!

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"