Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Afghani Reconstruction Canadian-Style

Former PM Paul Martin has taken a swipe at Stephen Harper, saying that Canada should focus on re-building the infrastructure, not fighting.

If that's the case, shouldn't we be sending construction workers, rather than soldiers? What could Paul Martin have been thinking when he sent soldiers and not construction workers to Afghanistan?

By all means, rebuild the infrastructure.

Only, let's do it Canadian-style.

We should open a Tim Hortons on every corner. That would do more to pacify the locals than anything else.

Then, we must implement a gun registry. Register those guns! Any Taliban fighter found with an unregistered weapon would be banished from Tim's for a year.

Finally, we should lay the blame for the Taliban insurgence squarely where it belongs -- on the shoulders of the politics of exclusion and the mean-spirited Afghanis who refuse to recognize the contribution the Taliban make to Afghani society.

If that doesn't bring peace, we may just have to go back to fighting.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"