Friday, November 10, 2006

The Episcopal Church's Dreamer-God

The Presiding Bishop-Elect of the Episcopal Church has been enthroned. She is now the Presiding Bishop, carrying on the work of Peter and the apostles. Or so she thinks.

Her latest sermon talks about God's "dream" of shalom that the Episcopals are now busy bringing to fruition. Here's a quote: "the episkopeis of the saints, their ministry, cleans the fields of that which cannot survive in God's dream of shalom, it burns away whatever limits that dream or cannot contribute to it."

During this latest sermon she carefully avoids male pronouns in reference to God.

I'm not really up on God's "dreams", but I'm sure His dreams include being referred to as He revealed Himself, i.e., as "Father", "He" "Him" and "His". Jesus did, and, guess what?, God was not offended! Well-pleased, in fact.

Of course, God didn't have really smart people like the present Episcopal leadership back then to help him out. Had He, He no doubt would have avoided all the problems associated with representing himself as Father and Jesus as Son.

However, with the Episcopal Church's help, God is evolving. Faced with "new information", "new knowledge", as they say, He's already completely changed his mind on the whole in-the-beginning-I-created-them-male-and-female thing. Now, He understands that same-sex attractions and sexual acts were all part of HIs original intention all along.

He's becoming a God even the devil could like.


Unknown said...

Mr. Ball, I am curious. How is this going over with the Episcopal churches in Canada and in the United States?
Surely it can't be accepted everywhere.
I keep thinking, what next???

Betty G

BallBounces said...

boopchile: It is quite pervasive in the US and Canada. Those who object are labelled "divisive". The liberals are going to court to seize property from conservative congregations who are not willing to accept their rule. What next, indeed?!

BallBounces said...

Todd: thank you for a very articulate comment.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"