Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The god of Tolerance -- under Christ's feet

My university, Carleton University, in Ottawa, is proposing banning student groups that are not in favour of a woman's right to destroy her unborn child. They would not be allowed to form clubs and receive funding.

Ah, the Tolerance crowd in action once again.

I remember during my days at Carleton there was a Communist Club. I always considered communists an esoteric bunch, so outside the mainstream of thought and society. I remember talking with one chap in particular. I was a newly minted Christian. He looked on me as a relic from a bygone age. He talked about what they would do when they assumed power.

I would rather talk about what is going to happen when Christ returns to reign in glorious moral, ethical, and holy power. How awesome that is going to be! And all the politicians and those scratching for power today and supporting every liberal cause from abortion to euthanasia to same-sex marriage, shunted aside by the Holy One ruling in awesome power.

At that time, the Bible says, the saints shall rule. "We shall judge angels!" the apostle Paul says.

Christ must reign until he has put every enemy under his feet.

Oh Lord, I want to be in that number, oh when the saints go marching in.

The key is to be on Christ's side on the great moral issues of our day.

It's not only the right side, it's the winning side.

And that's the way the Ball bounces.


Unknown said...

What a great reminder.
We get so up tight about people who don't know right from wrong but seem to be going on the wrong road most of the time.
But really we should have our thoughts tuned in for Jesus' call. He will set things right and, praise Him, He will use us to do it!!!

Thanks, Betty G

frappeur said...

I trust you will not be donating to the Alumni fund this year.

BallBounces said...

frappeur: the money that might have gone to the Alumni Fund has gone instead to purchasing books by Mark Steyn at SteynOnline.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"