Saturday, August 23, 2008

Is Infanticide Wrong?

Is Infanticide Wrong?

Apparently not, if it occurs during an abortion procedure. If the "product of pregnancy" happens to be born alive, it's apparently OK to let the now born baby die. The soiled linen room becomes the baby's death chamber. He or she dies from neglect rather than an overt act such as poisoning, scalding, brain extraction, or dismemberment.

This makes some kind of logical sense. Everybody knows that the purpose of an abortion is not just to end a pregnancy -- it is to kill the unborn child. The fact that we call the child when unborn a "fetus" is very convenient; it sounds unhuman; it sounds a world away from a living baby. The purpose of an abortion is to kill the fetus.

So, if in the process of attempting to end a pregnancy and kill a fetus a few slip through, pop into the atmosphere and suddenly become babies, it seems fair to just let the baby die, since that was the intent going into the procedure, and it was the procedure itself that resulted in the unfortunate consequence of the baby being prematurely born.

Whether the unborn child is killed as a fetus or as a born baby is surely a matter of little consequence.

Apparently Barack Obama agrees.


metasyntactic variable said...

Remember Ximena Renaerts..

BallBounces said...

DJ - Abortion does best when it's kept in darkness and shadows and flippant sayings like a "woman's right to choose".

50% or more of all abortions result in the permanent and irreversible loss of all choice to female human beings.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"