Friday, October 09, 2009

Crazy About Obama


Obama wins TNPP on Friday. On Saturday, this: "Turkey and Armenia signed a landmark peace accord on Saturday to restore ties and open their joint border after a century of hostility"

Coincidence? You decide.

* * *

For years now rabid, mean-spirited conservatives have been suggesting that those on the left were a bit loony in their tingle-up-their-legs adulation of Barack Obama. Well, the "loony left" have been completely vindicated, and those rabbit right-wingers completely discredited by this: Obama has been awarded the Nobel peace prize.

And he wasn't even running for it!

My only question is, why did it take the Nobel people so long to recognize what the rest of us have known for some time: Obama is "the Great One"!

It just couldn't happen to a more-deserving guy.

Here's why: we all know the greatest threat to world peace is not Islamic terrorism. It's not the simmering Israeli-Palestinian dispute. It's not the Taliban. And it's not a nuclear Iran or a nuclear North Korea.

It's global warming.

Experts have already told us that it's gonna lead to discontent, civil strife, conflict, violence, and wars. Wars, for example, over the search for viable drinking water. The threat is so dire and imminent that the very continuance of the planet is at stake.

And what has happened since Barack Obama was elected to office? Temperatures have done nothing but plummet, that's what! It's snowing in Chicago!! We had a frost warning in PEI this July!!! The oceans are receding!!!!

The Obama economic stimulus is working in mysterious ways!!!!!

And, thanks to Barack Obama's wise presidentship, the moon is about to yield its precious (currently frozen) bodily fluids!!!!!

OK, I'm outta exclamation marks.

And that's the way the crazy-about-Obama Ball bounces.

1 comment:

BallBounces said...

Tom -- you certainly had the rantmobile in 4th gear this morning!

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"