Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto, greeting a nun at the Mayor's 2011 Levee at City Hall. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
It's taken Canada almost 50 years to have its Kennedy Assassination moment, but, here it is. Thursday May 3, 2012, a day that will be etched in Canadian minds forever. Who will forget where they were and what they were doing when they heard about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's offing of a 'Fraidy Cat Toronto Star Reporter?
OK, it wasn't exactly an offing. But the mayor did come out with guns ablazin', well, not two guns, one gun; OK, not an actual gun, that would be uncanadian, but he did come out with his finger and thumb ablazin', looking' like a gun (about as close as Canada gets to an actual assassination). Toronto's mayor was packin' Canadian heat! OK, maybe he had his hand clenched into a mighty mayoral fist. Whatever it was, it was mighty Canadian!
Mighty enough to cause the speak-truthiness-to-power Toronto Star reporter to freeze and cry "don't shoot!" before running off like the 'Fraidy Cop in Monk.
As the photo accompanying the article shows (
read the article here) we've even got ourselves a grassy knoll with a wooden fence behind it. OK, it's not real grassy, but it is a knoll, or, if not an actual knoll, it certainly looks knolly or, at least, has a knoll-like quality to it in a Canadian kind of way.
Thursday, May 3, 2012. A day that will live in Canadian infamy. More Canadian than Wayne and Shuster. As Canadian as an ice cream sundae with a Don Cherry on top.
Already conspiracy nuts are asking, "was there a second reporter", and, more ominously (Dr. Evil finger in mouth moment), "a second mayor?".
Gotta ask you: where were
you when you heard the shocking news?