Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Tale of Two Madonnas

Madonna is in the news. Fit, and fifty, she is engaged in a highly disciplined regime to retain her youthful appearance.

It is a battle she will lose.

Inevitably, she will go the way of all flesh, and become an old woman (if she's lucky). And what will she have at the end? She will go down in history as a role-model for casting off sexual restraint and promoting sexual licentiousness. A generation of young girls follow in her steps. Perhaps that's one reason why authorities want to inoculate 5th graders against sexually transmitted disease.

There once was another Madonna.

She was a young Hebrew woman, a devoted servant of Yahweh. She was engaged to a man named Joseph. Sexually conservative, she kept her purity, her honour, as she lived her life before Yahweh and kept the traditions of the Jewish faith.

She, along with Joseph her godly betrothed, showed a restraint that once was taken for granted in our society but would now be treated with disbelief and scorn.

God chose her to bear the Saviour of the world.

One Madonna will fade away. The other, along with all those called by Yahweh and endued with the righteousness that comes from above, will shine forever like the stars of heaven. One will fade away and be soon forgotten; the other will be called forever blessed.

Like a virgin.


MgS said...

Perhaps that's one reason why authorities want to inoculate 5th graders against sexually transmitted disease.

As usual, you get the facts so far wrong it's not even funny.

The vaccine in question has a higher chance of being effective if the HPV virus is not already present. Ergo, you get to people before they are likely to become sexually active.

Which, since the dawn of time, happens to be around the age puberty sets in - no matter what scripture says about it.

BallBounces said...

I understand that.

The point is, the authorities are expecting our children to be sexually active -- promiscuous if you will -- starting at a very young age and not within the context of a lifelong faithful relationship to one's covenant partner.

This is an expectation that people like Madonna, as well as educators have fueled and propagated.

Check out the second Madonna and you will see the counterpoint.

Glad to know you are still out there.

BallBounces said...

And for your comment about children being "naturally" sexually active from the point of puberty on, that is why human beings require moral education.

We are not animals.

And moral training is intrinsic to who we are, and who God calls us to be.

Moreover, the biblical teaching that we are fallen creatures is very well supported by the evidence. No one needs to be taught to be hateful, or spiteful, or vengeful, or mean, or selfish, or dishonest, or sexually selfish and promiscuous.

We do need to be taught to love our neighbor, to do good, to restrain selfish impulses, etc.

Remember "law" -- one of those immaterial realities that I argue are part and parcel of reality and integral to what it means to be truly human.

MgS said...

Not talking about sex and sexuality (which is largely the neo-Christian approach these days) does not make it go away.

Being honest about it, and being open about things goes a lot further to producing a generation of healthy, well adjusted adults.

Vaccinations don't encourage promiscuity, any more than they give us a reason to be less cautious with hygiene.

Native Pride said...

The vaccine is a great thing. I was that it what have been around years ago. I would not have to go through a sugery because of cervical cancer.
We can tell are children not to have sex but, reality is, even chidren that are taught right from wrong still have sex.
Look at Sarah Palins daughter. I'm sure she was taught abstinence.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"