Sunday, March 26, 2006

This just in: Case against jailed Afghan Christian dismissed

Case against jailed Afghan Christian dismissed - DANIEL COONEY - Associated Press

Kabul — A court on Sunday dismissed the case against an Afghan man facing possible execution for converting from Islam to Christianity, officials said, paving the way for his release.

The move eased pressure from the West but raised the dilemma of protecting Abdul Rahman after his release as Islamic clerics have called for him to be killed.

_ _ _

This is a clash of cultures.

If the spotlight of world opinion had not been on this man, there's a good chance he would have been beheaded. Christians around the world face persecution, including loss of churches, homes, and their lives, for their beliefs. Usually when this occurs, it is at the hands of Muslims. And, usually, it goes unreported and unnoticed by the world.

On the home front (Canada), it demonstrates the inherent foolishness of multiculturalism, the idea that all cultures are essentially the same and differ only at the edges.

Multiculturalism, as a policy of Canada, was used by mainly Liberal governments to displace Christianity as the dominant cultural idea of this country. Flexible Christianity has been replaced with a rigid secularism that asserts that religious views and values have no place in public life and that any opposing views or values will not be publicly tolerated.

And, of course the fruits of all of this. The slaughter of the innocents via abortion. Easy divorce -- and the tragic effects on children and young people. The glorification of single-parenting -- and the diminished family life our children are raised in. The indignity of same-sex marriage -- and the prospect of a hapless child being raised by two moms but no dad. And now, the latest -- efforts to elevate prostitution into just another job.

In Germany, a woman can lose her Employment Insurance benefits if she fails to show up for a job interview at a prostitution agency. I kid you not. Now that prostitution is just another job, and no longer has any moral overtones, this is the position of the German government. Canada has not gone this far, yet.

Christians are sandwiched between two extremes. On the one side, radical Muslims, who want Christians killed, and on the other, radical secularists, who just want Christianity extinguished.

Fortunately, we can lift our eyes to the skies and see Jesus, seated, crowned with glory and honour, telling us it's all going to come out all right in the end. And that we should continue to be faithful to Him, and the vision he gave of a new heaven and a new earth, coming down from God.


frappeur said...

Brilliant assessment of the situation.

frappeur said...

Have any of the readers of this blog found any reports of Canadian reporters interviewing the various noisy Moslem advocacy groups about their stand on this matter?

At one point those groups seemed quite keen on having Sharia law introduced. Is the case of Mr. Rahman characterisitc of what we could expect?

The silence has been deafening.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"