Monday, March 27, 2006

This just in from the lunatic CBC...

This from Tony Burman, Editor in Chief of CBC News:

"I find these outbursts of media hostility toward the Christian Peacemakers somewhat perplexing....

I suspect most Canadians have little patience for this. Most of us not only felt genuine relief and happiness about the rescue but, more profoundly, saw in these "peacemakers" something that was quite admirable, courageous — and classically Canadian.

A desire to get involved. To help out. To make a difference even if it involves real personal risk. That's what Canadians do, in very real terms."

* * *

"Most of us"? on what basis does he assume his personal views represent most Canadians?

"That's what Canadians do"? Who says? Don't we also go to war and shed our blood in the name of freedom, democracy, and western ideals? Don't we have a history of warmaking that is even more "very real" than the vapid, vacuous, insipid, and self-deluded "peacemaking" of this self-deluded group?

So far, I haven't heard of a single tangible thing this group has done in Iraq. Have they fed anybody? Clothed anybody? Provided medical services to anybody? If so, why haven't we heard about it? They think they're doing the world a favour just by "being there"? Are their egos that big, and their self-aggrandizement so pronounced that they feel that just "being there" is going to make peace?

If they had gone to Iraq during Saddam Hussein's regime, that would have been heroic. I would have honoured such a group.

But coming in, under cover of the relative safety that the coalition forces have brought, and then denouncing them as "occupiers", is a bit rich.

If they really despise the British and American presence as much as they say they do, why didn't they reject their rescue by the "occupiers", and demand to be returned to their captors? That would have been principled. That would have been heroic.

As it is, I'll save my praise for the American and British and other troops who are putting their lives on the line daily to try to bring a better life to Iraqis.

They're actually doing something.

Which is more than can be said for the Peacemakers.

1 comment:

frappeur said...

This Christian Peacemaker group claims a tie to Christianity.

Does anyone know what that tie is?

I would be more impressed if they attempted to defend the Christians already living in Iraq.

Have they provided any support for those beleagered people.

Their main purpose seems to be to criticize and cause lots of trouble. Next time leave them with their captors.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"