Monday, August 28, 2006

Scientists: ye shall be as gods

Scientists are only human.

In the theory of darwinian evolution (even if we accept the notion of progression from one species to another) the mechanism of evolution -- random chance vs. divine direction -- is equally unproveable on either side, although the apparent and exquisite design we see all around us provides practical evidence of the latter.

Yet the former is dogmatically embraced by scientists.

This opened the door to science based on worldview assumptions, in this particular case, the twin assumptions of the sufficiency of human scientific endeavor (God cannot exist because we cannot prove Him), and its attendant consequence, a commitment to the philosophy of materialism (the material universe is all there is).

The end result of all this is to, in effect, make scientists themselves gods.

And this brings us back to Genesis chapter 3. "Eat from the tree of knowledge -- you shall be as gods."

Advise many scientists apparently find impossible to resist.

1 comment:

frappeur said...

Most people are unaware that science is really a process.

A hypothesis about some feature of our universe is devised. Then the hypothesis is tested. If everything works as theorized after repeated testing by many investigators then the hypothesis is accepted.

If the hypothesis is shown to be wrong it may be rejected and dropped or modified and the process of testing recommences.

The resulting knowledge has given us technology which has, in many cases, led to improvements in our lives. Perhaps that is why we attribute exceptional powers to scientists.

Science is, however, unable to assess the technology. It just provides it. Is it good, or is it bad, are responses that require ethical judgements. For example: should we use aborted fetuses as a source of biological chemicals or for spare parts?

The simple scientific answer would be - sure, why waste a perfectly good source of chemicals that could save lives. The more complex ethical answer would argue that the end does not justify the means. The intentional murder of a potential human is a bad thing regardless of what the body might be used for.

It is apparent that science for all that it can produce is just a subset of the totality of our existence. The choices that must be made far exceed the capacity of the limited results that science can arrive at. It is only a method for examining a specific portion of God's creation.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"