Thursday, May 31, 2012

Everything I Needed to Know About Public Sector/Union Jobs I Learned At Tim Hortons

Tim Hortons Coffee & Bake Shop
Tim Hortons Coffee & Bake Shop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Everything I Needed to Know About Public Sector/Union Jobs I Learned At Tim Hortons.

This one.

Update: If that one didn't grab you, maybe this one will: "Tim Hortons with $26/hour servers putting Windsor hospital $265k in the hole".

$20/hour for pouring coffee. Plus benefits.

For any holdouts who think Big Unions'/NDP's insistence on publicly-funded, publicly-run healthcare is altruistic, this should dispel such notions.


Anon1152 said...

I'm not in principle against paying anyone $20 per hour to pour coffee. I am in principle against doing that and expecting to turn a profit. Well. That's not so much a principle of mine as it is a back-of-the-envelope calculation.


Aren't the doctors and nurses at the hospital also part of public sector unions?

Perhaps there is more to learn when one looks at more than the Tim Hortons at one hospital...

BallBounces said...

Anon1152: Off-topic. What is your epistemological stance? I'm doing some studies right now and I think I'm surrounded by postmodernists. Everything is contextualized or decontextualized or recontextualized. I'm more of a foundationalist. Maybe critical realist. Can you direct me to an epistemology 101 text or site?


"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"