Friday, July 21, 2006

CBC's Hezbollah - a "quote-quote terrorist organization"

Watched CBC this morning. As they announced an "expert" in middle eastern affairs, you can imagine the thrill of excitement. Here's what I learned:

- Hezbollah is, and I quote, a "quote-quote terrorist organization", that, admittedly, does kill people

- Hezbollah provides schools and medical care to south Lebanon

- the so-called "war on terror" is a phantom pretext used by the US and its warring allies to advance its own military aggression.

The CBC host, in fairness, did counter some of the more outrageous statements of his guest expert, but without passion. At the first break, he told the expert what a great job he was doing so far.

I'm ordering Fox News immediately.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"