Monday, July 24, 2006

Dire Predictions from Downunder 2004

For some reason I'm on an Australian newsmedia jag.

This 2004 article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald online edition.

Bush threatens mankind, says Caldicott
By David Williams
November 16, 2004

Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott fears US President George Bush's re-election will lead to Armageddon....

"This is the most serious election that has ever occurred in the history of the human race, without a scrag of doubt," she told

[Hollywood stars certainly thought so -- that's why they all left for the south of France as soon as Bush's election was confirmed.]

"I don't know if we'll survive the next four years ....

.... it's not just the threat from nuclear war. It's the threat of what's happening to the environment, the global warming which is occurring rapidly now, to ozone depletion, to species extinction, to deforestation - it's the whole thing."

[What about the threat from malaria? Millions in third-world countries die because of first-world sensibilities regarding the use of malaria-fighting DDT. Based on junk science. Now that's a real crime against humanity, and it is laid squarely at the feet of leftist environmentalists.]

"But this is worse, these people are much worse than the Reagan people."

[Reagan oversaw the collapse of Communism, a very serious offense for which he has never been forgiven]

Mr Bush's win meant "endless war and I think it could mean nuclear war", she said.

[It hasn't yet, but leftists are still optimistic with over two years to go.]

"In January 1995 we got to within 10 seconds of nuclear war....

[And it was George Bush's fault!]

"They [the Bush administration] have been able to con the American people with their extremely brilliant propaganda and brainwashing, with the help of the media .... They don't know that Bush et al want to go into Iran next and that they want to dominate the world militarily and that they want to put weapons in space....

[They're slow on Iran, but we earnestly hope that the US does dominate the world militarily, and, if there are to be weapons in space, we'll all sleep better knowing these are in the hands of the Americans.]

It is a mandate for Bush to do absolutely anything he wants.

[Well, I hope Congress and the Senate realize this!]

I know people don't like me using this word but they're fascists."

Not firing all her ammunition at Mr Bush, she saved some for Australian Prime Minister John Howard. She said Australia was now the "51st state of the US".

[As a Canadian, I find that a very offensive comment; we reserve the right to refer to ourselves as the 51st state; then Israel, so, get to the back of the line, buddy, er, buddyess]

"I've always been so proud of my country, now I'm not just ashamed by what's happening and embarrassed ...

[You and the Dixie Chicks.]

All this from another Nobel prize nominee.


Unknown said...

I read this stuff and shutter.

Betty G

frappeur said...

It is quite surprising how illogical a Peace Prize winner and her cohorts can be.

I find war a regrettable but necessary option. Killing an opponent in self defense makes good sense.

The question of proportionate response is ridiculous although we seem to have a legal system in Canada dedicated to that bit of stupidy. When threatened it seems logical to do whatever possible to eliminate the threat. A permanent removal would seem like a good idea.

I guess not enough politicians and judges have been mugged.

Israel has been mugged and it is making the the appropriate response.

The US was mugged on 9/11. It is dealing with the problem in a variety of ways.

Canada was nearly mugged by 17 creeps. We are still trying to figure out what to do.

As my contribution to violence and illogicality and in my desire to be a Peace Prize winner, I would like to say it's too bad the 17 were stopped before they could blow up the CBC.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"