Monday, July 03, 2006

Mother Jesus, part 2 (I told you so...)

In a previous post, I noted how the new Presiding Bishop-elect to the Episcopal Church referred to "our Mother Jesus" in her inaugural sermon.

I also said,

"... such language defies traditional Christian formulations. But that is what liberals do. And, if you call them on it, they respond by saying, "of course, I was speaking metaphorically and not concretely". Trouble is, they view all the language of the Bible as symbolic or metaphorical; none of it has actual substance. So they feel free to embellish and improvise."

Here is an excerpt from an article which addresses the controversy that followed her statement.

"I was trying to say that the work of the cross was in some ways like giving birth to a new creation," she said. "All language is metaphorical, [There it is -- ALL LANGUAGE IS METAPHORICAL - so, God is not really Jesus' Father; Jesus is not really God's Son, etc.]

"and if we insist that particular words have only one meaning and the way we understand those words is the only possible interpretation, we have elevated that text to an idol," [In other words, if you simple-mindedly believe what the Bible clearly declares or plainly states, you are an idolator; you are sinning by so doing].

"I'm encouraging people to look beyond their favorite understandings." [In other words, believe sophisticated me, and you'll be OK; believe what the Bible plainly states, and you're doomed.]

Such speech goes beyond mere foolishness; it is evil.

Who could follow such a foolish, misguided woman; or believe that her words carry even a drop of apostolic authority?

1 comment:

frappeur said...

How can a discussion be held with these people?

All language is metaphorical so nothing need mean what it says.

This attitude extends into other areas ot thought. There are no absolutes. Everything is relative. The actions taken by evil people are justified by creating a moral equivalence with the actions we must take in defence.

Tolerance is a virtue so we must tolerate evil. To most people this is a ridiculous proposition but to the morally ambiguous it has its own peculiar logic.

No wonder our society seems to be so confused.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"