Thursday, July 13, 2006

Child Suicides and political correctness

A National Post article today reported a rise in child suicides in Canada. Not a huge number, in absolute terms, but a concern, nonetheless.

The article offered safe, politically correct reasons for this rise: increased societal pressures to grow up quickly, increased pressures to excel at school, etc. No mention whatsoever was made of the disintegrating family unit.

Rather than the politically correct reasons offered in this article, the rise in child suicides is more likely explained by the meteoric rise in Canada of adult-centered sexual rights, all of which come at the expense of a child's natural right to be born into a stable home consisting of the child's mother and father.

All these rights -- abortion, divorce, single-parenting, same-sex marriage -- indirectly violate the Commandment "thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother", because, implicit in this command is the understanding that a child is brought to birth to be raised by its father and mother.

God, in his wisdom and kindness, in the natural order of things, has provided children with mothers and fathers. Our society, by elevating sexual freedoms, has shattered this convention.

Should we be surprised when violating God's laws and provisions come at a destructive price?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"