Monday, December 04, 2006

The UN weighs in

Kofi Annan has "agreed" that the situation in Iraq is like a civil war, and that the Iraqis were better off under Saddam Hussein.

A biased UN leader speaking to a biased press. The under-theme: the US is bad.

Talking points:

* The head of the UN is a thoroughly politicized figure; anything he says should be understood in that light.

* We all long for the good old days when Saddam's torture chambers were running 24/7; perhaps the UN will offer to take over from the US and do in Iraq what it did in Rwanda.

* The US has given Iraq a chance at democracy; strong elements within the Muslim population are showing they have no interest in democracy when power can be obtained and held by brute force.

* We should keep that last point in mind; if this is the "Muslim mind", we are all in trouble as the Muslim presence in our countries grows.


frappeur said...

Before we have to worry about Moslems we will need to worry about our pseudo-Christians.

Many of these PC's think tolerance is a virtue.

Now we see the intolerant demanding tolerance. Giving in can only end in disaster.

frappeur said...

Here's a future job opportunity in the New Islamic Canada.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"