Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is Islam Christ-Friendly?

Is Islam Christ-friendly, as its proponents insist?

Apparently not. Being a true friend of Christ can get you killed. As Christians, we need to be prepared to die. Most of us will never experience martyrdom, but the possibility comes with the territory.

If this guy was gay, the CBC would be all over it. But he's just another Christian, so don't expect them to get too excited. I'll be happily surprised if they do. The photo headline above was from Fox News.

Lord, have mercy on this man and on his family -- and on his persecutors too.


Anonymous said...

If this guy was gay, the CBC would be all over it. But he's just another Christian, so don't expect them to get too excited

That's pretty much right.

Terry said...

Doesn't this story have more to do with Iran's polices, rather than Islam? This probably wouldn't happen in Turkey. There are currently stricter laws in Afghanistan, which we sent troops over to defend.

BallBounces said...

Terry, It has mostly to do with Islam, and its penalties for opting out. Islam is as much a political movement as a religious movement. Ever notice that the western press refers to Muslim countries and Islamic states? When is the last time you heard them referring to a Christian country?! There's a double-standard at work.

Joe said...

A lovely couple in my church are ex pat Iranians/Islamic apostates. They recount with tears in their eyes the martyrdom of their beloved pastor. He was killed at the altar of their church during the evening service by Islamic murdering thugs. Without warning the murderers burst through the doors shouting Allah Akbar and shot the pastor as he was about to break the communion bread.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"