Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Climate Record Goes Up In Flames

NASA, world-authority on just about everything, declared that this October was the hottest on record. Actually, that should be OCTOBER!!! WAS!!! THE!!!! HOTTEST!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!

It seems this climate thing needs to be fed and fed and fed, and the alarm bells must ring louder and louder or busy people will actual lives to live will stop paying attention to the fact that THE!!! EARTH!!! IS!!! ON!!! FIRE!!!!!! and worry instead about, oh, I don't know, jobs and the recession, or the war in the DR Congo, or the world's hungry.

Turns out NASA was wrong, of course, as anybody who has been paying attention to all the unseasonably cold weather would have already known, and their error was exposed not by a vigilant media (which loves the whole man-made global warming narrative and squeezes every reported weather story into it), but by vigilant blogging global warming skeptics (or, "deniers" as they are called by the Algoronianites).

You can read about it here:

Meanwhile, bundle up and enjoy yourself, and try not to feel guilty about that drive to the Tim Hortons for a pumpkin spice donut and a double-double.

The economy will thank you.

1 comment:

Mac said...

Funny that Al Gore's old friend would make such an elementary mistake...

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"