Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Take the CBC, Please!

Prime Minister Harper is reportedly mulling over the idea of selling federal government crown assets to bring in some income.

I've got a suggestion.

Sell the CBC. The red gift-wrapped building across from the Sky Dome, er, Rogers Centre, on Front St. W. in Toronto should bring in a pretty penny.

It would be nice to see the CBC privatized and taxpayers relieved of the obligation to fund this ideologically-driven entity.

Maybe Mark Steyn can corral a cracker-jack conservative consortium to buy it.


Mac said...

SOLD to the Association of Principled Canadians for a dime!

BallBounces said...

Thanks - this looks interesting!

Mac said...

Glad you like the link. I'm of libertarian bent myself so I find many of their ideas interesting.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"