The Christmas tradition has been a natural and integral part of US culture for 300 years.
Here's what Florida Gulf Course University officials have come up with as they struggle with "how best to observe the season in ways that honor and respect all traditions":
Santa - banned
Christmas decorations - banned
"Giving tree" - banned; replaced with "giving garden"
Popular greeting card contest - banned
Replaced with - an "ugly sweater contest"
An ugly sweater contest. Instead of worrying about offending the few, they have sought a way to offend all.
h/t Drudge
You get a Season's Greetings from me. Be a wicked wiccan. Celebrate the winter solstice.
Why try to ruin Christmas for others? This is just can respect the traditions of others without being disloyal to their own. That would be the day I would let anyone tell me to take my decorations down!
Don, sure you can say that -- but I bet the sweater you're wearing right now is ugly -- am I right?!
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