Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Coalition Seeks Monopoly

Just over two months ago Liberal leader Stephane Dion said he would never form a coalition with Jack Lenin and the NDP because its economic policies are based on “Monopoly money.”

That was then; this is now. M. Dion now thinks that Jack Lenin is a fine chap and Monopoly money is at least on a par with Canadian Tire money and what could be more Canadian than that?!

Which gets me thinking. Just what are the dynamics behind the palace coup?

Here's my reading on it:

Jack and the NDP currently own Baltic Avenue, and are hoping for an upgrade to Marvin Gardens.

The Liberals are used to living rent-free at Park Place and hope to reclaim it shortly. They're ordering drapes and new carpets, because, as one said, "we're entitled to our entitlements".

The Greens hope to be awarded Electric Company just for hanging around. When they get it, they plan to do the responsible thing and shut it down.

Mr. Harper will be sent to jail, directly to jail, without passing "Go", and without collecting $200. Jack Lenin will expropriate all "Get Out of Jail Free" cards in the interest of the State and in the name of The People.

The Canadian taxpayer will play the role of Banker. The government is going to need to spend a lot of our money in order to save us.

And that's the way the Thim-Ball Bounces.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"