We're Number Three!
According to today's Globe and Mail --
"Mexico has knocked Ontario off its perch as North America's pre-eminent auto-producing area.... Mexico's rise means that for the first time ever, Canada has declined to No. 3 behind the U.S., which leads, and Mexico."
First, the UAW/CAW wanted its workers to be paid unheard-of wages for working.
Then, they wanted to be paid for not-working (lay-offs, plant shut-downs, etc.).
Then, they wanted early retirement and inflation-guaranteed pensions.
The trajectory of their demands was that they wanted to be paid an infinite amount for doing infinitely little.
They enjoyed these excessive benefits for a generation. They should be grateful for them. But, as someone has said, "all good things must come to an end". And that time has come.
Why shouldn't impoverished Mexicans have their chance at a better life? Maybe, just maybe, instead of hating the company that feeds them, they will be grateful.
I wish the members of the UAW and the CAW, and the communities they live in, well. But, the writing's on the wall.
It's time to start preparing for a career outside of GM, Ford, and Chrysler. Brush up on your marketable skills. Put on your best game-face. And start looking.
1 comment:
Gordon Sinclair said it well in his "The Americans" when he pointed out how the USA became the favorite Bashing-Boy for all the worlds ills.
The smug Elite Liberals in canada have mocked the Americans as slacked-jawed idiots for Electing a Moron president from Texas , even the CBC avoided the fact that 24 canadians were slaughtered by 19 Muslim on 9/11/01because they didn't want to offend them.
Mississauga MP's had a history of appeasing the ARAB/Muslim voters by spewing hatred at Americans and Bush, this while Chretien and Martin stayed mute because our Charter Of Rights protected free-speach to comment on other Nations .
CUPE,OPSUE,CUPW,and even Denis Codierre stayed mute when the 2006 lebanese peace-march in Montreal flew the Hezballah flag and spew insults to Jews on the route .
Cyd Ryan and his Union buddies support the CAW and tell us to Buy-Canadian cars, but these same people fill their Houses with Imported Electronics they bought at WAL-mart and were built in Mexico and China , and these same people vacation in a Communist oppressive nation like Cuba and they ignore the part of the Health Care system in Cuba that rounded-up gays with AIDS and kept them in Hospital-jails to hide them from Tourists.
The USA has 10 times our Population and yet when Obama agreed to a UAW Loan that is now pegged at $14 Billion , but here in canada the CAW and Big 3 want $8 Billion to bail them out ...not a Bridge Loan as in the USA.
Chrysler has now threatened canada that is they don't get Free-Money they will pull out of canada and kill 8000 jobs.
Iggy and now McGuinty want to play the "lets wait and see" game because Obama gives us HOPE to everyone and will rescue us , in the mean time the 3-Stooges Coalition feel the crisis is so bad that they will jump right on it after the Jan 27th Budget .
About 2 weeks ago Obama hinted that if the UAW did want a generous bail-out it may have to pull GM and FORD out of canada , this I'm guessing because Buzz Hardgrove kept beating his chest over the issue to "Buy Canadian".
Thanks Buzz , you sucked up to Paul Martin even after he embraced the Executive(Belinda) from Magna that got about $12 million a year to enable Toyota and Honda to kill CAW jobs
while Buzz's CAW members filled their Homes with imported Electronics and imported clothes from Wal-mart.
I bought my Corolla from a canadian who worked at a canadian owned Dealer and built at a canadian Plant that employed canadians.
Lets solve this problem once and for all, the CAW can use THEIR money to buy GM and FORD of canada so they can set the salaries and benefits, they can have a profit-sharing plan to directly get the money rathen than the endless strikes to threaten the company with bankruptcy.
Tada...if they are so sure of the Quality and products they can show it by purchasing the Common Shares
that are now about $5.00 instead of the older $80.00 a share.
Oh wait...they want the $37.00 an hour to push a broom or $65.00 an hour to put on a wheel but.... don't expect them to actually buy those cars and trucks even with the Employee discounts .
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