Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Sloppy Logic Of Global Warming Alarmism

Is it sloppy thinking, sloppy reporting or sloppy science?

According to the latest article at livescience, Scientists have proved "beyond a doubt that global warming is real. Now they have to figure out just what to do about it."

No, they don't. If all they've done is prove that global warming is real, they have to next prove that a) mankind is the dominant cause of this warming, b) this warming is harmful to the planet on a net basis, and c) combating this warming is possible, feasible and desirable.

Anything else is just sloppy alarmism.

The article goes on to talk about a new treaty to control the emission of greenhouse gases, "which have grown by 70 percent since 1970."

No, they haven't. Another sloppy, misleading statement.

What's missing is the key qualifier "manmade" in front of "emission". And then this manmade portion, which has allegedly grown by 70%, should be shown for what it is -- a tiny sliver of the overall greenhouse gases produced by this gorgeous planet.

The article is at:

For a dissenting view, go here:

h/t Drudgge


Beast said...

not to mention the fact that the planet has cooled in the past 10 yrs, not warmed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think we're back to the temperatures of 1925 or something, effectively wiping out all warming for the past 100 years if there was such a thing.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"