Friday, December 12, 2008

GM and a Street Called Dead: A Question For The CAW

The CAW spokesman is speaking on TV. He's the guy who says the unions have contributed nothing -- nothing -- to the problems of the Big Three - GM, Ford, Chrysler. I have a question for him:

Should financial bailouts be also offered to the non-union Canadian auto industries, e.g, Toyota, etc.? Are they not just as entitled to a bailout as the CAW unionized shops?

If not, why not?

Meanwhile, Mark Steyn weighs in:

"Detroit was the industrial powerhouse of the world fifty years ago. Now it’s a basket case. They did that to themselves. There’s no reason for Congress to collude in doing it to the rest of America."

No comments:

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"