Friday, December 05, 2008

The West's Secret Weapon Against Islam

Those of us who view Islam as a threat to the West's ideological and physical sovereignty are continuously dismayed at the left's neutering of the intellectual weapons at our disposal. In the leftist's mind, there's no us-vs.-them involved in us er, versus Islam, it's all about accommodation and appeasement and the watering-down of our institutions and ideologies until they are Islamic-Muslim-fundamentalist-terrorist-friendly. (If there's any doubt about this, go to "The Journalism Doctor's" website.)

So, it was against this dreary backdrop that I was heartened to discover we still have a little-known secret weapon at our disposal.

According to today's National Post, fundamentalist-terrorist-extremist Muslims view April Fool's Day as a threat to fundamentalist-terrorist-extremist Islam. No, I'm not kidding. Christmas is no threat, Good Friday is no problem, and even Easter with its thunderous shout that "Jesus is Lord!" is not something to be worried about. The same cannot be said about April Fool's Day. Unless checked and abated, April Fool's Day could cause the whole Islamic experiment to crumble.

Now, I don't claim to understand the Islamic mind, but I'm willing to take this pronouncement at face-value. If April Fool's Day is a threat to Islam, then I'm all in favour of it.

Let's work to make next year's April Fool's Day bigger than ever. Before the Journalist Doctor finds out it is a sensitive cultural issue and demands that in the name of tolerance and accommodation we cease to wish someone a "Merry April Fool's Day!" and instead say, "Happy Inclusive Day!".

And that's the way the looking-forward-to-the-day-after-March-31st Ball bounces.

I kid you not.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"