Quote of the Day: "The essence of theological liberalism is to discard what the modern world finds offensive"
This is another basic point of agreement. If the biblical doctrine of creation falls, the entire storyline of the Bible falls apart. The very essence of theological liberalism is to discard what the modern world finds offensive and save what parts of the Christian message can be preserved or salvaged. Dawkins understands what many theological liberals do not — that there is no way to save any coherent form of Christian truth without the biblical doctrine of creation. Those who would abandon the biblical account of creation undermine the entire Christian truth claim. -- Albert Mohler, 2008, here.
So after it was discovered a great celestial cow could not have licked ice to bring forth the first Norse proto-god, the whole Norse faith fell apart? I understand now, and will now let Saint Olaf off the hook.
Mankind has a great ability to hold two opposite and irreconcilable facts true simultaneously. And relate events that are difficult to describe in metaphor.
So I believe it is quite possible to believe humanity was created by God and evolution is true.
We always want to complicate things, another endearing trait of mankind.
Kerry said, "We always want to complicate things, another endearing trait of mankind." I agree with that statement. The bible records creation in a way that even a child could understand. After the creation of light - the first creation - the bible says, "and the evening and the morning was the first day." The EVENING AND THE MORNING is repeated after each day of creation. That is very simple and specific and yet liberal Christians complicate it to mean that each day is not 24 hours as in an evening and morning, but actually millions of years. How could it be stated any more simple. That is just one example of how creation is made to be complicated and a foothold for atheistic evolutionists to say that even Christains believe in evolution. A good site for anyone interested is "Science Against Evolution" site.
"I believe it is quite possible to believe humanity was created by God and evolution is true."
Interesting comment.
The issue is, exactly how is it true? -- the term evolution is so elastic it can mean almost anything. I am increasingly confident that scientific evidence points to the inadequacy of the proposed darwinian mechanism.
So, you are YEC?
Thanks for the suggested link.
I'll check it out.
Eeyikes -- why do these sites have such bad web design?!
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