Saturday, December 06, 2008

O .J. and Justice Delayed

Do you remember how captivated we all once were with the O.J. Simpson trial? I attended the trial, or, at least, the courthouse in L.A., but that's another story. This one's about the sovereignty and providence of God and justice delayed in the O.J. Simpson trial.

Providence has to do with things God arranges for mankind's provision, or providence.

Sovereignty has to do with God's ultimate reign over heaven and earth, in spite of man's active rebellion against God's rule. God is "above the heavens and earth", and does as He pleases. Because of God's sovereign rule in the midst of active rebellion, we are instructed to continuously pray, "thy will be done" -- God's will is, in effect, an intrusion into the normal course of sin and rebellion.

At the time of the O.J. Simpson trial, millions of people prayed that justice would be done. For many, these prayers continued after O.J.'s acquittal. O.J.'s conviction in the civil trial was a start. But still, justice was seen as subverted because O.J. was still free to golf and party (and search for the "real killers" of Nicole and Ron).

It now appears that God has, in his time, and in his way, answered those prayers.

O. J. has been convicted in a court of law and faces hard jail time. For a different offense, admittedly. But one that he committed and the end result is the same. The lawless one will end up (barring an overthrow on appeal) where he belongs -- in jail.

God sovereignly rules. Prayers are answered. Sometimes it takes longer than we would like, and sometimes He does it in a different way than we expect or have in mind. Sometimes God says "yes". Sometimes God says "wait". Sometimes God says "in my way, not yours". And sometimes God says "no". That's what makes him God and us not.

Sometimes our prayers are not answered in this life. In my readings through the New Testament lately, I have been struck by the phrase "the life to come" which contrasts this present life. This will never satisfy atheists of course, or those whose narrow and unimaginative epistemology causes them to view science as the sole arbiter of reality.

But it will satisfy those who, on the balance of the evidence along with the convicting help of the Holy Spirit, believe in God and Christ.

For those who escape justice in this life, rest assured all will receive it in the life to come. All will stand before the judgment seat of Christ, and receive a fitting reward or punishment for the deeds done here on earth.

Atheists should welcome this news. Otherwise, theirs is a capricious and incoherent universe where justice is arbitrary and just as often denied. And indeed, where the very concept of justice is an absurdity.

And that's the way the justified by faith Ball bounces.


Anonymous said...

I can take no joy in the fall of a man anymore than I can take joy in the fall of mankind.

My deepest prayer is that even in the depths to which he has descended OJ might look up.

Indeed life is more than just a bunch of amino acids bumping together.

BallBounces said...


Christ's sacrifice included atonement for the O.J.s of the world -- and we are all O.J.s.

Some of us flee to the Cross and some of us don't. That's the difference.

Native Pride said...

I really enjoyed this post. It made me see clearly that God will make his judgement on his time. People have made judgement on me for things I have not done. Iv'e tried to tell them the truth but to no avail. After reading this I no longer feel I need to defend myself on these issue. I can only only pray and leave it To God.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"