Monday, May 31, 2010

Afghanistan: Canadian troops dying to make Afghanistan a Christianity-free zone safe for Islam

Two Christian Aid Groups Suspended in Afghanistan

"Afghan authorities suspended two Christian foreign aid groups Monday on suspicion of proselytizing in the strictly Islamic nation and said a follow-up investigation would include whether other groups were trying to convert Muslims."

Afghanistan: Canadian troops (many of them Christian) dying to make Afghanistan a Christianity-free zone safe for Islam.

The West reflexively accepts that Islam can be a political enterprise, but reacts in horror at the thought that Christianity might want the same privilege. The West accepts and uses the term "Muslim nations" but strictly eschews the term "Christian nation".

The West's double standard demands that Christian nations be accommodating (and therefore secularized and multiculturalized) while Islamic nations are allowed free reign.

How can this possibly end well?

I would welcome a discussion on this, if any of you care to share your thoughts.

And that's the way the Ball bounces.

No comments:

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"