Could be wrong, but, didn't C. S. Lewis write some other things besides children's books??!!
(I've been to his pub in Oxford -- mighty fine.)
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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"
"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"
The problem the anti CS Lewis crowd has besides the obvious that they don't have a personal philosophy is that Jack wrote in plain English. He didn't waste his time trying to write in the stilted formula of the academic. In other words Jack had a practical Christianity not a theoretical one. I can see the same in Palin. She is a practical woman whose understanding is based on the hard facts of life not the ideas of some long dead author whose life experience consisted of sitting in a libraries and lecture halls.
C.S. Lewis wrote some other excellent books such as "The Screwtape Letters" and "The Problem of Pain". Both are great works NOT targetted at children, though his Narnia series is considered by many to be his masterpieces (and they still make for great reading).
"The left" or one lone liberal writer?
And to be perfectly fair, Mr Wolffe mocked Ms Palin for saying that she finds "divine inspiration" in C.S. Lewis, not for "reading" him.
BB: One lone, solitary, liberal, very public and "on TV" voice. Fair game, I would say, when you mock out of personal ignorance.
Don: Plus, Miracles, God in the Dock, Surprised by Joy...
I have heard of C.S. Lewis and watched Narnia, but who is this idiot Richard Wolffe and what as he ever done to be proud of?
RkBall, there's no question that Mr Wolffe made his comment in a "very public" forum, but I've yet to hear a single voice from the left join his.
I would agree that it appears Mr Wolffe mocked Ms Palin out of personal ignorance. That said, this doesn't give license to claim the man said something that he didn't.
Said something he didn't? His key point of mockery was she was getting inspiration from children's books -- that was the key put-down.
What's wrong with getting inspiration from Christian writers? Pilgrim's Progress? Christian music?
I'll amend my post slightly to make it clear he was a solitary voice.
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