Monday, December 13, 2010

Mohler Monday: "Most of those who urge a reconciliation of evolution and the Christian faith do so at the most superficial level"

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.                         Image via Wikipedia
Most of those who urge a reconciliation of evolution and the Christian faith do so at the most superficial level, without ever acknowledging the near-total transformation of Christian theology that must result if serious minds ask the serious questions and do the serious work of actually thinking seriously. -- Albert Mohler, 2010, here.


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Audrey II said...

I like the idea of fundamentalists casting out the more reasonable of their brethren as heretics. There's nothing quite like watching organizations cutting off their noses to spite their own faces.

I suggest that in addition to evolution, fundamentalists also start up a campaign to separate the geo-centrist wheat from the modern cosmology chaff. Maybe they could a schism over the alchemy/modern organic chemistry "debate". What about gravity? This whole reconciling science with Christianity is so last-century. Isn't it time to put the "fun" back in "fundamentalism" by insisting that even the slightest shred of critical thinking isn't really Christian?

BallBounces said...

Theism is what makes "critical thinking" rational in the first place. Without it, there is no adequate explanation for a rational universe subject to rational inspection.

And, if materialism is true, there is no immaterial "you" to drive the molecules in your brain that do your thinking -- all your thoughts are the mere product of mindless molecules that have coalesced via purposeless, undirected processes. You are nothing more than an emergent molecular illusion.

So, theism provides the basis for the deep contemplation and exploration of reality; materialism is shallow.

Joe said...

As one who has sat on both sides of the great divide I can honestly say that my Christianity has demanded far more critical thought than my atheism. Atheism was far more faith based take it on someone's say so than Christianity. In Christianity my Teacher won't let me just let it slide. When I miss the lesson the first time He brings it back again and again.

BallBounces said...

Joe -- I like what philosopher Jesus did when he said, "man does not live by bread alone". All the forest of books written about materialism vs. dualism, and Jesus tops them all in a single sentence.

When I talk about materialism being an inadequate, insufficient explanation for man, this is what I am getting at.

In one sense, you could say I believe in God because I believe in "me", a me that cannot be reduced to purely materialistic explanations.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"