A year of two ago Al Gore said we had eight or maybe it was 10 years to save the planet. To which I said, "Great". Eight more years of global warming hysteria and then we can all get on with living our lives on this frying pan of a planet called Earth. I've got it marked on my calendar, so I'll know when the jig is up.
News today is even better.
Global warming alarmist-in-chief Jim Hansen has announced that President Barack Obama, will have exactly four years to save the world from the destruction of global warming. Four more years! Four more years! Then we can get on with living our wretched little lives without being bombarded with bombastic bumpf from the bombastic buffoons of bumpf over there in the global warming corner.
So, I've got no problem with the four-year timeline. It's an improvement over Gore!
But it does seem just a little too convenient that Barack Obama has exactly the next four years -- exactly one full term in office -- to save the world. If he had six years, he couldn't do it without re-election; if he had three years, he would have a year left to twiddle his thumbs (creating environmentally-friendly energy while emitting scant extra C02 from the exertion involved).
But no, in the grand unfolding of the cosmos, Barack gets inaugurated into a four-year term this week, and then he has exactly four years to save the world!
Message to Obama: forget about the economy. Forget about the threat of the economic collapse of the western world. Forget about the threat of Islamic terrorism and oppression. Forget about all the people who don't have enough to eat now. What's any of that when the planet is on fire, and you only have four years to SAVE THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!
* * *
Four years from now the alarmists will be saying the anomalous cool spell has given us a reprieve, and we now have... four more years.
And that's the way the cool-as-a-cucumber Ball bounces.
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