Thursday, January 01, 2009

"Too Early For Flapjacks?"

Here I am all bundled up in my L.L. Bean, along with the view from our back "sunroom" window this fine New Year's Day morning.

Thank you, God, for a wonderful world!

We went for New Year's Day "flapjacks" at the Charlottetown Hotel this morning -- through the ice and snow and wintry weather. With my size fourteens, I was the good king Wenceslas to my wife's Page.

I think we saw an Al Gore snowman on the way, but it may have been an eliptical allusion.

* * *

A New Year's Day Prayer: "God, you are God. May you display your divine power on Earth in 2009 -- in the realms of government, science, economics, and religion. Truly, only You are God. And with the advent of this new year, we take a step closer to the moment when [spoiler alert] Christ returns to establish his righteous rule on Earth."

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

Happy New Year!


Linda said...

Happy New Year Richard, and to your brave wife as well - I'm trying to mentally prepare to venture out to feed my feathered (and one furry) friends... Think I'll make a big pot of soup first!

God bless!

Unknown said...

Thank you and amen.
Betty G

Anonymous said...

And as Phil Connors said.....

Oh yeah......and don't drive on the railway tracks.

BallBounces said...

You got it!

Native Pride said...

Happy New Year to you. I hope those flapjacks were worth getting out in the cold for!!

BallBounces said...

Most definitely! Pancakes, syrup, and crispy bacon. Yumm!

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"