Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Global Warming: Upping the Ante

Because the world is pretty much busy getting on with living its life and ignoring the global warming doomsayers, global warming alarmists have learned that the only way to get fresh media attention is to up the ante with ever more alarming alarmist alarms.

The good news is the alarming alarmist alarms should not be a cause for alarm; they should be recognized for what they are: propaganda; over-heated (if you will pardon the expression) rhetoric.

The latest to weigh in is Hillary Clinton.

According to Hillary, the world, because of global warming, faces wars over food, wars over water, wars over arable land. Followed by extinction.

Extinction. She actually said that. "It threatens our very existence".

About the only thing the alarmists have left I figure is nuclear annihilation. I'm not sure if nuclear annihilation is actually worse than extinction, because extinction sounds pretty damaging and permanent, but nuclear annihilation at least sounds worse and is dramatic and plays into existing doomsday fears. So I might as well go first, get it on record and save the alarmists some effort. So, here goes:

"Because of global warming, we face the prospect of nuclear annihilation". There. I said it.

You saw it here first.

And that's the way the going-out-on-a-limb Ball bounces.

No comments:

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"