Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Silver Lining: Global Warming Extends Life-Expectancies!!!

According to groundbreaking new U.S. research, life-expectancies have been rising over the past few decades by about three years, with five months of that attributable to environmental factors. Since we all know that the globe has been warming during this period, and since anything bad that happens gets attributed to global warming, we should be able to safely attribute anything good, such as longer longevity, to global warming as well. Now that's good news!

And, it gets even better! Since the planet is warming, has a fever, is on fire, and is about to go nuclear, this means we are going to live longer and longer and longer. We're gonna live foreverrrrrrrrr!!!!

Wait a minute. The study doesn't attribute increased longevity to global warming, but to improved air quality in US cities. Improved air quality? You mean to tell me that all the time that environment-hating George Bush was in office, the air in US cities was getting slowly and steadily better? The sneak! Has he no shame?

I'm all for good science, and good environmental practices -- such as working to eliminate pollutants (real pollutants, not life-giving C02). Clean air is good!

And that's the way the breathing easier Ball bounces.

Now, everybody take a deep breath.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"