You can file this under "tell us something we don't already know":
The director general of the BBC admitted Thursday that his organisation had been guilty of a "massive bias to the left" but said "a completely different generation" of journalists now works at the broadcaster.
"In the BBC I joined 30 years ago, there was, in much of current affairs, in terms of people's personal politics, which were quite vocal, a massive bias to the left," Thompson said.
"... journalistically, staff were quite mystified by the early years of Thatcher."Now it is a completely different generation. There is much less overt tribalism among the young journalists who work for the BBC," he added.
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CBC will never have "the awakening" ... as they are way too far down the road to leftism and global oblivion.
As you say: "tell us something we didn't know." There may be an awakening at the BBC, but don't hold your breath waiting for any such epiphany at the CBC.
If BBC admits they have "a massive bias to the left", and that CBC is almost exactly the same as them, running the same stories and talking points, then they don't need to admit it. It's self evident.
The CBC is bent out of shape over the potential of bias at SunTV but routinely rebroadcast the BBC.
Odd they would be concerned about bias from a potential competitor but real and and admitted bias at the BBC doesn't seem to bother them.
"Odd they would be concerned about bias from a potential competitor but real and and admitted bias at the BBC doesn't seem to bother them."
Stan -- good point.
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