Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Racist Assumption Behind Criticisms of Arizona's New Law

"It... requires state and local police officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect is unlawfully in the country, even during routine traffic stops. Critics say that this will inevitably result in widespread harassment of Hispanic or Hispanic-looking Americans."

Why would it?

Are these leftist critics suggesting that Hispanics make up more than the average number of illegal immigrants?


The only acceptable assumption is that all races, equally and with equal probability, are entering the USA illegally.

Anything else is racist.


Anonymous said...

"Are these leftist critics suggesting that Hispanics make up more than the average number of illegal immigrants?"

No of course not. Leftists believe that Arizona is on the border with Sweden (and was in fact taken from Sweden in the Swedish-American War in the late 1840s), and that Sweden has such a low average standard of living that many Swedes illegally immigrate to the US.

"The only acceptable assumption is that all races, equally and with equal probability, are entering the USA illegally."

Yes, why should deal with the facts when you can assume (or accuse, without any evidence leftists of assuming, or whatever the muddled point of this latest funeral woopy cushion is) anything you want to make the left look bad?

With such claims, you really should go on Fox News. After all, if the facts are clearly racist, then the Foxies can be excused for wanting to have nothing to do with them.

BallBounces said...

The post is satirical -- do I have to point out the obvious?

Anonymous said...

"The post is satirical -- do I have to point out the obvious?"

Really? And I of course always refer to serious pieces as "muddled ... funeral woopy cushions", don't I?

The problem being that your cack-handed 'satire' was a ludicrous strawman, that has very little to do with, and therefore completely fails to 'satirise' "leftists" (for whatever delusional definition of leftists you're applying today).

BallBounces said...

Well, it seems to at least bother them.

BallBounces said...

At least one of them.

Anonymous said...

I see so many strawmen from creationists that perhaps they've rubbed me a tad raw.

But at least I didn't think that a purposefully silly response to a silly strawman was taking that strawman seriously.

BallBounces said...

Strawvery Fields, forever.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"