Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Marriage: why two, when one will do?

The proper definition of marriage is rooted in human biology (male-female). It is available to all, regardless of one's sexual orientation.

However, if it is to be re-defined by sexual orientation, then it should be redefined to include all sexual orientations, and not just one. Otherwise, it becomes a discriminatory institution that promotes hate.

A bisexual man should be able to marry both a man and a woman. A bisexual woman should be able to marry a woman and a man. If a bisexual man marries another bisexual man, then they each should be allowed to also marry a woman, either the same woman or two different women. And, if either of these women is bisexual, she should also be able to marry a woman, either each other, or two other women. Anything less is a failure of the courts to recognize the equality of their sexual orientation and expand the definition of marriage to accommodate it.

If marriage rights now reside in sexual orientation, then pederasts should have the legal right to marry a child.

And an asexual person should have the legal right to marry himself (or herself), and be considered married for legal purposes. Otherwise the institution of marriage discriminates against them by not recognizing the legal equality of their sexual orientation.

Let's get away from this obsolete idea that a marriage has to have two persons.

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"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"