Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Notwithstanding vanishing... Astonishing!

Paul Martin's plan to remove the Notwithstanding Clause would weaken Parliament and increase the power of courts appointed by the Prime Minister. It would increase the democratic deficit he promised to address, and make our freedoms and rights less, and not more, secure.

I knew that Liberals were willing to cancel Pearson Airport expansion plans and military helicopter plans (at a cost to tax-payers of hundreds of millions of dollars); I knew that they were willing to falsely promise to get rid of the GST; but it never dawned on me that they were willing to tinker with the constitution of the country in a bid to get re-elected.


1 comment:

frappeur said...

I think everyone knows this is a stupid idea.

The Liberals are frantic. If they lose access to the public purse they are goners so they will say anything.

By the way, how are they paying for those attack ads? Who would lend them money?

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"