What do the following have in common?
Free vote vs. Constrained Cabinet vote
Childcare allowance vs. State-run Daycare
Retention of Notwithstanding Clause vs. Nuking it
They all deal with democracy. Conservatives favour it; the Liberals find it either inconvenient or dangerous. We're not sure which. They're not telling.
One of the running themes of my posts (and a letter published earlier in the National Post) is the contrast between the democratic instincts of the Conservative Party vs. the undemocratic tendencies of the Liberals.
Here's my Letter to the Editor (from December 2006):
"So far, the Conservative Party has shown more faith in democracy than the ruling Liberals. From childcare, in which the parents would decide how to spend the money (instead of state-regulated daycare), to a free vote on same-sex marriage (as opposed to Cabinet being forced to vote one way), the Conservatives are establishing themselves as the more democratic party. The Liberals, by way of contrast, have a) passed laws restricting democratic expression during this election, b) centralized power in the office of the PM, c) moved the deciding of important social issues out of the hands of the people and into the hands of decldedly undemocratic appeals Courts, while dismissing the instincts of the democratic majority as "oppressive".
In many respects, what Canadians are being asked to vote on in this election is themselves. Those who believe Canadians can trust their democratic instincts should vote Conservative, those who don't, Liberal. A restoration of democracy in Canada would be exciting, and good for the country."
Very similar to whats going on in the USA, but Im sure you havent heard it because liberal media in both our countries no longer inform, but brainwash.
What about
free speech vs Liberal gag law?
If the Liberals win they are going to have to do something about those hostile blogs.
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