Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'd rather be on the right than in the wrong

This just in from Liberal Justice Minister Irwin Cotler: “At this point, the practice of polygamy, bigamy and incest are criminal offences in Canada and will continue to be,” he said from Montreal.

Slow down the tape and run it again. At... this... point...

The fact that a federal Justice Minister would preface a statement on the criminality of polygamy, bigamy, and incest with the words "at this point" is a great example of relativism. It also shows us that the Party that chose to outsource its moral thinking, views and values to the Courts has now lost any moral centre of its own.

This is a Party that stands for everything and nothing.

By celebrating abortion, homosexuality, single-parenting, and swinging, this is a Party that has lost the ability to think in terms of moral right and wrong. The question in their minds is not "is it right?", it's "is it a right?". And then, whether it's right or wrong, it's right. Opposing it becomes the new wrong.

The best example of this is when a Liberal huffs with righteous indignation about a "woman's right to choose". Imagine characterizing the decision to terminate your unborn child as a positive good worth defending and fighting for! And imagine trying to score political points on the splattered blood and crushed bones of dismembered Canadians!

More and more I thank God that I am not a Liberal.

I'd rather be on the right than in the wrong.


BallBounces said...

Slippery indeed. People think they can stop at a certain point. But the witness of Scripture (Romans 1) is that God gives them up and gives them over. And so the slide continues.

frappeur said...

Nice pick up on the weasel words.

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"