Friday, January 20, 2006

A scary visual

I saw a visual of an enthusiastic Paul Martin wading among a crowd of young kids yesterday. Couldn't help but wonder what he was saying to them. If it was anything like what he was telling their parents, it was probably something like, "let me tell you about how I support your mother's right to "choose" and how she could have blasted each and every one of you to tiny pre-Canadian bits. Isn't that terrific, kids? Can you say, "a woman's right to choose"?

Funny how the younger you get the more the "right to choose" seems less like a right, and more like a threat.


Sara said...

please call David Walmsley 416-367-2000 x 8710 at the Toronto Star and request nicely that we get a equal opportunity to stand up for all parents. Martha Friendly has put in an article of about 1200 words in describing a Liberal style of daycare. She only views on side of it. We are asking for equality for all parents!

Please advise David Walmsley 416-367-2000 x 8710 (nicely) that we would like an equal opportunity to speak. The National daycare is only shown and the other parents are ignored...

sorry about posting off topic but I need help...

frappeur said...

The older you get the more euthanasia looks like a threat.

It would be a great way to reduce the costs of the medicare system. Therefore, it's your duty to make the right choice.

Actually, I am in favour of retroactive abortion or advanced euthanasia for some of those liberals.

frappeur said...

All those in favour of abortion have already been born.
-Ronald Reagan

"... nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"